Fountains Of Wayne - Traffic And Weather Album Leak Download & Review

By Anonymous
Fountains Of Wayne are probably best known for their 2003 hit "Stacy's Mom", however the band has been together since 1995! That was a complete shock to me and will probably be to a lot of people who hear their newest album. These guys still play to the youth audience that they had smitten with Stacy's Mom, but like their fans the band has gotten even older and matured and the product is one of the most addicting and satisfying albums of this summer.

Every song on this album is pleasing to the ears musically, and lyrically it's simple enough to put yourself into each song, but at the same time it's deep enough to make you wish you weren't in the same situations yourself. The album really just tells the story of almost every teen going into adulthood at some point in their life. From "Someone To Love" to "Strapped For Cash" to "Planet Weed" there's something appealing enough to teens and adults alike on this one.

The only downside I could find on this album is anyone looking for a follow up to "Stacy's Mom" will be disappointing. As addictive as the songs are none are as refreshing as their biggest hit, and they seem perfectly fine with that. In fact I could go out on a limb and say they didn't want this album to sound anything like their previous work.

It's a great album for old fans, and you guys just looking for an album to sit around by the pool and listen to in our last days of summer.

I give Fountains Of Wayne's "Traffic And Weather" 3 stars out of 5. While it's very pleasing to the ears and everything works well, none of it work's as great as the other pop-rock releases of this year.

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PW : Framoe@warez-bb

Now playing: Fountains Of Wayne - New Routine
via FoxyTunes

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