We're Still Your Music Source

By Anonymous
Sorry there haven't been as many leaks uploaded lately, I'm really busy with work and a load of other stuff, and I presume the rest of the team is in one of the same situations as me.

Hopefully I will have a few full reviews for you guys soon as I have been writing here and there for school.

3 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous September 18, 2007 at 11:54 PM
    common catch up..... we need music or else we gon die
  2. Super JP September 19, 2007 at 11:08 AM
    then go buy albums...

    or else, have patience to wait.
  3. mixedupmixtapes September 19, 2007 at 12:31 PM
    i have a few things including the new motion city....i was in PA for a week....

    p.s. my name isn't in the contributors section yet

Something to say?