So where has DMS been? Getting married duh.
But anyways, GooglePages is shutting down at the start of June, meaning along with it the CSS sheet to this page will become useless once Google makes the transistion to Googlepage's succesor. I don't have the time or the patience to convert all of the stylings to HTML. I haven't talked to Greg or T-Bag for that matter in ages, but I don't see either of them wanting to do the work either.
The site isn't going anywhere, the new Google system will just redirect the page over to the new url. The only thing changing is the layout as all the work I put into it was made using Googlepages. If this is getting confusing sorry, the main idea is the site isn't leaving, it just won't be as pretty without the CSS. So someone out there with the time and knowledge can download the file when I upload it and convert it to HTML or upload it onto another server, either process won't take more than 10 minutes but like I said I have neither the patience or the time.
Sorry I have been away so long but I've been super busy with work, and making babies. There's nothing going on anyways right now and aside from a few big albums being released this year everything is looking dull for the rest of '09. Anyways I'm out again hopefully you'll hear from me again before June, if not Greg has been doing a pretty good job of posting I see so if you need anything specific shoot him an email. Otherwise if you can help with the conversion issue hit me up.
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